Community and Stewardship
The communities of SEQ are intrinsically connected to the region’s waterways. The community benefits from the services waterways and wetlands provide (such as food and water supply, recreation and culture) but also are impacted by the declining state of waterways and wetlands through outcomes such as poor water quality, habitat destruction and flooding that impact on these services. Most of the region’s waterways run through privately owned land. The actions of landholders and those of the community, can positively and negatively impact the health and resilience of SEQ’s waterways and wetlands. Commitment from landholders and the community to undertaking the long-term management and care for the rehabilitation sites is critical to ensure that long term outcomes are achieved. SEQ landholders and the community will play a significant role in the protection, management and rehabilitation of the health of waterways and wetlands. Engagement, education, communication, advocacy and capacity building are critical success factors to creating a shared understanding, driving innovation and action and encouraging best practice management of waterways and wetlands.
First Nations people in SEQ have an intrinsic connection to the land and water, grounded deeply in their cultural, spiritual and historical identity. Dispossession and rapid urban development has led to changed ecosystems, loss of traditional knowledge and impacts on sites of cultural importance. Resilient Rivers has started on the journey towards collaborating with First Nations people. There is now an opportunity to continue this journey of collaboration with First Nations people to increase their participation in and the incorporation of their traditional knowledge and practices into land and water management in SEQ.
Rights and Responsibilities Fact Sheet
Get Involved
Resilient Rivers is built on the principle belief that we can achieve more by working together than we can alone. To explore collaboration and partnership opportunities, please get in touch using the link below.