Building a more resilient future

Two massive days, over a thousand native trees planted along the banks of the Lockyer Creek and an endless amount of community stewardship to preserve and enhance our waterways.

Two massive days, over a thousand native trees planted along the banks of the Lockyer Creek and an endless amount of community stewardship to preserve and enhance our waterways.

Building resilience and restoring the Lockyer Creek has been a focus for Resilient Rivers South East Queensland (RRSEQ) which is why we partnered with Greening AustraliaLockyer Valley Regional CouncilInternational River Foundation and Thiess to build a healthier, more liveable SEQ both now and for generations to come.

Collaboration and partnerships are at the core of Resilient Rivers SEQ. Enhancing our region’s waterways and preserving their cultural, economic, and life-sustaining value, creates shared custodianship of the environment. Corporate partnerships allow the community to build social connections and foster a sense of community spirit while doing so.

This project is part of a broader program of works along Lockyer Creek, to date more than 25,000 trees have been planted over this 8km reach of the Lockyer Creek near Gatton.

The natural scenic amenity of the region’s waterways and their biodiversity value is one of its greatest assets and is worth protecting and enhancing. Thank you to the volunteers who participated in the plantings and all who contributed towards building a more resilient future.

Find out about how you can get involved with Resilient Rivers South East Queensland.

Photo credit: Lockyer Valley Regional Council